Build dynamic forms using JET! — Part 4/5
Checkout part 1 ,part 2 and part 3 if you haven’t . In this post i will cover form value capturing, how we update when new values are entered and validate them.
For each field in the form, we allocate a new observable variable like below. Notice how html also points to the value attribute of the field using _value[$] expression.
JSfor (var i = 0,i < fieldArr.length; i++) {
self._value[fieldArr[i]] = ko.observable(val[fieldArr[i]])
}html<oj-input-text value="{{_value[$]}}" :id="[[$]]" ></oj-input-text>
Like i mentioned in part 1, the validation is taken care by oj-validation-group, the valid state of this component is reflected in the valid state of our dynamic form.
<oj-validation-group :id="[[_validationGroupId]]" on-valid-changed="[[setValid]]">
<oj-form-layout :id="[[_formId]]">
<oj-bind-for-each data="{{_metadataArr}}">
<oj-bind-if test="[[getType($ == 'string']]">
<oj-input-text value="{{_value[$]}}" :id="[[$]]" ></oj-input-text>
<oj-bind-if test="[[getType($ == 'number']]">
<oj-input-number value="{{_value[$]}}" :id="[[$]]"></oj-input-number>
In part 5 we will see how this idea can be transformed into a re-usable component .