Add Product Tours (3rd party) in your Visual Apps

Sumedh Chakravorty
2 min readJul 8, 2020

Product tours are easy ways to introduce new features and/or guide a user through a self-service app. Here’s how you can create a product tour for your visual app. The demo uses Bootstraptour.

demo product tour

Add the libs

Configure the following libs in your app-flow.json (configure the libs mentioned here. Note: jQuery is already loaded by VB runtime so no need to configure it separately).

"requirejs": {
"paths": {
"bs-tour-js": "",
"bs-tour-css": ""

Load the libs

Adding isn’t enough, you need to load it just before you need it. In my case it is the default landing page.

define(['bs-tour-js', 'css!bs-tour-css'], function() {
'use strict';
class PageModule {} return PageModule;

Create the tour

I created the tour in the constructor of my landing page’ PageModule. I am using ES6 class instead of function, but that should work too.

class PageModule {constructor() {
this.tour = new window.Tour({
steps: [{
element: "#drawerToggleButton",
title: "Title of my step",
content: "Content of my step"
element: "#form",
title: "Title of my step",
content: "Content of my step"
// Initialize the tour

Start tour

Create a function in your page module to start the tour.

startTour() {


bootstraptour: 0.12.0

VB: 20.10.0

JET: 9.0.0



Sumedh Chakravorty

Product Manager for Oracle Visual Builder.I talk about Oracle JET, VBCS, React, React Native, Spring Boot. Views are my own.